Secession Art & Design Show Archive

Show archive

For a history of Secession's gallery shows before 2016, take a look at our Postcard Archive.

Essential: Nathalie Fabri and Heather Robinson

Secession Art & Design's new spring show, Essential, is a lush and vibrant collection featuring mixed-media abstract art by Heather Robinson and colorful urban landscapes by Nathalie Fabri. Our gallery, like so many, closed our doors as a nonessential business during the COVID-19 pandemic to help slow the spread of the virus. This show was born from watching artists use social media as their muse as they shelter in place in their homes. Heather's studio is nestled within Secession. I was haunted by all the unfinished projects sitting on her drying racks waiting for the next layer of paint. I was haunted by all the gallery exhibitions sitting in closed galleries. I was haunted by all the restaurants and bars boarding up their windows as they closed their businesses. This drove me to push past my fears of losing my small business to curate a show that gave me hope for a future when we can hug, gather, and laugh about the time we ran out of toilet paper.

Please join us on Friday, April 24 from 6-8 for a virtual happy hour to meet the artists in their homes. I will be at the gallery as your host to show you the work! I look forward to seeing your names pop up on my screen in support of Secession and art being essential.

XO Eden

Eden Stein