Secession Art & Design Show Archive

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“before we rise” – Silvi Alcivar and Donald Kinney

Secession Art & Design’s newest show, before we rise, comes from the art of a poet, Silvi Alcivar, and the eye of a photographer, Donald Kinney. Together they capture moments in nature and urban surroundings: the quiet stillness that comes when you are watching early in the morning for the world to awake; a time when you can share space with the natural world and feel powerful; a reminder that no matter what is happening politically, there is a moment of rebirth. Please join us on Friday, February 3, 6-9pm to meet the artists.

Show runs January 31 – April 1, 2017.

From Silvi Alcivar: “this series is a tribute to the wilderness of california that wakes inspiration and provides refuge for the artist in me that needs respite from city noise. what a thing to hike coast and forest, watch hawks in flight, grey whales breaths, startled quails sounding out warning, sea otters floating in kelp, elephant seal pups trying to imitate an elder’s roar. wonder and awe fill my spirit while witnessing the power of nature, instinct so alive, reminding me how vast, thriving, and surviving life is despite it all. and so, this series is an invitation for everyone looking to see and think about how this wilderness lives in quietly roaring, soaring off ocean cliff, diving for nourishment, knowing a forest of eucalyptus and the rising of california light as true home.”